
Unlocking hidden talent – how to recruit people who aren’t looking for work

When you’re recruiting, not being able to find someone with the right level of expertise can be really frustrating. The perfect candidate is definitely out there – but what if they’re not actively looking for a job? In this article, we’re going to investigate the best ways to get your opportunity in front of them.

You’re probably thinking, ‘Isn’t it easier to just advertise to people already in the job market?’ Well, yes – and you should of course still do that. But when you’re trying to fill a role, especially one that needs niche or specialist skills, there are lots of reasons why you should also look for creative ways to attract individuals who aren’t actively looking to switch jobs. How to appeal to people who aren’t in the job market.

You might think it’s going to be tough to find people who aren’t actively looking for work. But in today’s connected world, it’s actually easier than you might think. And once you’ve done that, you’ll need to show your organisation in the best light, to make them want to work for you.

1. Use your professional networks

LinkedIn is a great place to start when it comes to finding new experts. You can search for and connect with professionals who have the qualifications and experience you’re looking for. You can also join groups and take part in discussions to expand your network.

Don’t forget about people who already follow your organisation, and regularly like and share your content. That means they’re already familiar with your brand, and may well be receptive to your recruiting efforts. (Make sure you follow people like this back too.)

Conferences, seminars and other networking events are great places to meet potential new employees in person and build relationships with them.

2. Talk to your existing employees

Your current employees can be a fantastic source of info. Ask them if they know anyone who might be a good fit for your position. The perfect person might already be in their professional network.

3. Make sure you’re active on social media

Regularly share company updates, industry insights and job listings on LinkedIn, X, Facebook or Instagram. Post content that gives value to your audience, like tips, insights and behind-the-scenes looks. Reply to comments, messages and mentions quickly, and don’t forget to ask questions and start conversations.

Staying active in this way will build community and trust, and could mean you catch the eye of someone who already follows your company.

4. Join professional associations

If you aren’t already a member of industry-specific associations, you should think about signing up. They often have directories of members, or offer networking opportunities that you can use to connect with potential candidates. Already a member? Make sure you’re engaging with others regularly.

5. Research, research, research

Research online, look at competitors’ websites and read industry publications to find experts who could make great additions to your company.

6. Arrange informal meetings

Once you’ve found someone you’re interested in, send them a creative message that’s tailored to them. Customise it so it tells them why their specific skills, experience and achievements could be valuable to your organisation.

You might also want to organise some informal chats over coffee, or virtually if that’s not possible. Whatever you decide, you should use this time to get to know their career aspirations, and show them how your organisation could be the perfect place for them to achieve those. You should also be clear about what’s in it for them. Talk about the salary, the perks and benefits, the culture and the opportunities for career growth.

Once you’ve met with someone, remember to maintain regular contact, and reply promptly if they get in touch with you. Send them personalised emails, update them on job openings and invite them to company events.

Can we help?

If you take your time and follow these tips, you’ll be able to create an ongoing talent pipeline that will stand you in good stead when it comes to finding someone with a particular set of skills. But don’t worry if you need someone urgently – talk to us.

Our consultants have spent years building up networks of professionals, any one of which could be the perfect fit for you (read this article for an example of how we found someone who wasn’t looking for a new role for a niche engineering position). We’ll get to know you and the position, then use our expertise to match you with the perfect person.

Get in touch with your local Pure consultant to find out more.


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Written by

Aimee Pope

Since graduating with illustration in July 2022, Aimee now works in our head office as our Marketing Executive. She specialises in digital marketing, campaign delivery and content creation.

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