
Strategic September – the perfect month to recruit new staff

September is one of the best months of the year to search for new employees. Why? Because it offers a unique set of advantages that can make the recruitment process more efficient and successful. Whether you’re looking to fill gaps in your team, expand your workforce or bring in fresh ideas, read on to find out why strategic September is a prime month for hiring.  

1. The talent pool is often richer

People who might have been thinking about a career move earlier in the year often choose September to make the leap. That’s because the summer months have given them a chance to reflect on their careers, reassess their goals and get ready for new opportunities.  

This means the talent pool is often larger and more diverse in September, with many motivated individuals ready to take on new roles.  

2. You'll have access to recent graduates

Graduates who finished studying in the summer will be taking their first steps into the job market in September. They can be a great addition to your team, especially if you’re looking to innovate and grow. They’ll bring new perspectives, up-to-date knowledge and extra enthusiasm. Graduates can also help you improve the mix of experience and fresh ideas in your organisation. 

Hiring in September gives you a chance to tap in to this emerging talent before your competitors.  

3. You'll be ready for the final quarter of the year

The final three months of the year are fast approaching. That means many organisations are gearing up to meet year-end targets, launch new projects and prepare for a busy Christmas season. And having the right team in place and ready to go is essential.  

This is another reason why September is the perfect month to recruit talent. Get it right and you’ll have plenty of time to train and onboard your new employees to achieve your end-of-year objectives. This can lead to smoother workflows, increased productivity and, ultimately, a stronger finish to the year.  

4. You'll be prepared for the new year

Having your staff in place for the final quarter means they’ll also be ready to contribute to strategic goals in the new year. Plus, you’ll miss the inevitable end-of-year recruiting rush as employers scramble to get people in place for January. 

How we can help

The benefits of September recruitment are clear. But the process itself can be time-consuming, complex and overwhelming. You’ll need to craft job descriptions, get them in front of the right people, screen and shortlist candidates, run interviews… the list goes on. If you can’t spare the time and resources that recruitment demands, don’t worry – we can help.  

We’ve been recruiting across the east of England for over 20 years. That means we understand the challenges that organisations of all shapes and sizes face when finding new staff. And we’re here to do the hard work for you. Our team of experienced recruiters can manage any or all aspects of the process for you. That leaves you to focus on what matters – running a thriving business. 

Tailored support

We pride ourselves on creating recruitment solutions that meet business’ unique needs. Whether you’re looking to fill a single role or build a completely new team, we’ll work with you to understand your requirements and goals. We’ll also make sure we have a strong understanding of the specific roles you’re looking to fill.  

We’ll use this knowledge to create targeted job descriptions that will attract the right candidates. We can also tap into our extensive networks of talented and hard-to-find individuals to locate niche skills and experience. Many of these people are available immediately.  

Going beyond qualified candidates

Matching clients and candidates isn’t just about skills and experience though. So we’ll consider your culture and values when we search for potential new employees. That means your new hires will not only meet the technical requirements of the job – they’ll also align with your ethos. 

Saving you time and money

Time is almost always of the essence in recruitment. But that’s especially true in September, when the job market is so active. Delays in the hiring process could mean you lose top talent to a competitor. That’s why we’ll streamline the recruitment process to get you a fast and efficient outcome. We’ll manage it all too, from initial job posting to final offer. We’ll handle communications and coordinate interviews. We’ll give you regular updates – so you’ll always know what’s going on, but you won’t have to deal with the annoying administrative details.  

This will of course save you time and money. It’ll also enhance candidates’ experience of your recruitment process. That could make your organisation even more attractive to prospective employees in the future. 

We won’t stop once your new hires are in place either. We can run follow-up consultations and feedback sessions to address any issues early on. This will make sure your new employees slot seamlessly into your existing teams. 

Ready to build your dream team?

Recruiting in September is a great way to make significant strides toward year-end and new-year goals. If you need some help making the most of this strategic recruitment window, contact your nearest Pure office today. 

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Written by

Aimee Pope

Since graduating with illustration in July 2022, Aimee now works in our head office as our Marketing Executive. She specialises in digital marketing, campaign delivery and content creation.

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