Best Employers

‘There is always more you can learn’

Helen Peck, operations manager at training and development provider Lighthouse Group, reflects on its aim to rid the world of poor managers, and why the Best Employers Eastern Region survey is a great indicator that the business is on the right track. 

Being awarded Platinum accreditation in the Best Employers Eastern Region awards was an incredibly proud moment for everyone at Lighthouse, as we are sure it was for all winners. However, for us, it was very personal because our business is focused on training great people to lead an engaged workforce. 

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Written by

Lynn Walters

Lynn is a founding Director of Pure and leads Pure Executive. She has over 25 years’ experience recruiting for executive appointments, and helps east of England-based businesses with senior management and board-level recruitment. Lynn also leads our Best Employers Eastern Region initiative and Women’s Leadership Programme, both of which help companies and people develop.

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