Best Employers 2021 – an executive analysis
Workplaces have changed amidst the turmoil of the pandemic, with lots of employees ditching the commute and working from home. So, how has this changed the way they engage with their workplaces and colleagues?
On behalf of Pure Executive, we invited Dr Scarlett Brown, to review and analyse the results from the Best Employer Eastern Region 2021 survey. The latest fascinating findings showed many changes to employee engagement levels. Compared to findings from 2018, we can see how rapidly these shifts have taken place and assess what they mean for the modern workplace.
The results help emphasise how vital it is for employers to focus on actively engaging with their people and show that employees in the Eastern region don’t always need to be present in the office to stay engaged with their work.
Best Employers was founded by Pure and psychometrics experts Eras Ltd in 2012, and partners with Birketts LLP and Archant. It brings together employers from across the East of England to support the economic growth of the region through increased employee engagement.
From its roots as an employee survey, Best Employers has become a community, supporting leaders to continuously develop their organisation’s culture, engagement levels and workplace environment. It encourages learning and collaboration through inspiring events and supports organisations to develop their employee brand through awards and accreditations.
Download the Best Employer 2021 executive analysis.