
Sharing our experiences on 'Time to Talk' day

Today is Time to Talk Day. We know how important it is to talk about mental health and how much of a difference this can make to people at work and at home.

“A small conversation about mental health has the power to make a big difference.” (Time to Change.)

In this video, our mental health champions and directors talk about what they struggle with, what their challenges are, particularly around working from home, and what they do to overcome these.

We hope that this video will help people feel connected, increase our understanding of the challenges people face and normalise the conversation around wellbeing and mental health, alongside ideas on how we can keep our spirits up and stay motivated.

At Pure, we have mental health champions in each of our offices. Their role is to increase awareness and understanding of mental health in our office and offer a listening ear and support to anyone who is struggling with their mental health.

Each of our champions attended a one-day training course to increase their knowledge of mental health and stress in the workplace, to reduce stigma and discrimination towards mental health, to notice signs and symptoms of mental health disorders, and how to spot early warning signs of mental ill-health.

If you would like to know more about our approach to looking after the wellbeing and mental health of our team, contact Ellie Steinfeldt - Learning and Development Advisor at Pure.

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Written by

Ben Farrow

Ben has over 20 years’ experience in specialist recruitment within the Eastern Region. He joined Pure in 2011 and has been key to the growth and development of the business across Essex. Ben is a key part of our leadership team, overseeing business operations across Essex and Suffolk as well as leading teams across HR, L&D, marketing, quality, compliance, IT and systems.

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