Practical changes that create safer workplaces
I don’t know anyone who doesn’t observe the annual spread of colds in an office. If one person gets it, you can guarantee it will do the rounds. Therefore, with all our learning's over the past year, it is more important than ever to mitigate against this, adhere to Government guidelines and provide a safe working environment for your people.
Our team has been working hard to bring people safely back to the office. We thought it would be helpful to share some of the practical things we have implemented to create safe workspaces:
Social distancing
For as long as social distancing is in place, we have posters around each of our offices to remind everyone of the importance of this. Social distancing applies to all parts of a business, not just the place where people spend most of their time, but also entrances and exits, break rooms, canteens and similar settings. Posters, leaflets and supporting material taken from the Public Health England website, is displayed and available in all our office spaces. We are also encouraging open communication around how people are feeling and ideas or suggestions they have to ensure a safe and comfortable working environment.
Know maximum numbers
Have a maximum number of occupants allowed in the workspace at one time to ensure social distancing can be adhered to. We have decommissioned a number of desks and our kitchens and meeting room spaces have a maximum occupant limit.
Antibac and sanitiser
We have provided antibacterial wipes and hand sanitiser at all entry and exit points, on all desks, in all rooms, meeting rooms and communal areas. Moving towards a blended home or office working approach meant equipping our people with laptops and headsets that they can use at home or at docking stations in an office.
Hot desking for all
No one has their own desk anymore but we encourage people to work at the same desk all day when in the office, ensuring they keep all personal belongings within their desk area, and all personal belongings have to be taken home at the end of the day.
Safe spaces
We have installed hand driers in toilets, automatic soap and hand sanitiser dispensers, and disposable tissue to dry hands.
Stay home
Never before has it been more important to help your people make good decisions about staying home if they are feeling ill, using hand sanitiser regularly and keeping a clean space – catch it, bin it, kill it.
Management and the mental health champions will promote mental health and wellbeing awareness to our people with regular communication of mental health information for anyone who needs support.
Clearly, the situation is constantly changing. However, there is no better time to be prepared and take action ready for a safe return to the office.
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