
Pure supports Anglia Ruskin students with a mock interview session

Pure helped students at Anglia Ruskin University to maximise their chances of getting a job by providing free interview skills advice at an event organised by the university’s employability team.

Associate director David Culley and recruitment consultant Viktoriya Vladimirova, both based at Pure’s Cambridge office, attended the Hire Me event at the university’s Cambridge Campus on Wednesday (25 January). They delivered a mock interview session for the students, focussed on competency-based questions, and provided both individual and group feedback.

Viktoriya said: “The event was really well organised. The students were mostly studying for PHDs, Masters, or graduating later this year, so finding their next step on the career ladder was obviously forefront in the minds. They were all very energetic, keen to participate and asked us lots of questions.

“It was an excellent opportunity to introduce them to the competency-based interview style questions which are increasingly being used by employers. This more structured and scripted approach to interviewing can give candidates an excellent framework in which to sell themselves, especially if they have had a chance to practice in sessions like this so that they feel more confident about the process. We also ended the session with some more general interview preparation advice and tips on questions they can prepare in advance.”

Competency-based interviewing focuses on gathering evidence of required skills, experience and personal qualities, known collectively as competencies. It provides in-depth data which helps employers with hiring decisions and to find the right fit for the role. Pure is one of only a few consultancies to offer competency-based interviewing and is proud to offer the service as it adds immense value to both clients and candidates.

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