Why a culture survey could be the best thing for your business
Whether it’s the first time, or the 100th employee survey that you have put in place, sometimes the hardest team to convince is the senior management team. The Best Employer Eastern Region Survey has been designed to put you in control – you can decide to use the standard questionnaire or choose to customise the survey to suit your business. However, you may find yourself facing barriers. Here are three tips to help handle those objections:
1. Surveys are useless. Nothing was ever done with the previous results so why bother?
If you have done a feedback survey in the past, then really push the results of the last one. Find the nuggets that came from the previous time that you asked the team and show how they can help add colour to a strategy at the same time as empowering employee feedback. These demonstrable areas, coupled with projected improvement figures might be enough.
2. Our teams won’t do it. They won’t believe that it will be anonymous.
Naturally some employees may be dubious. Assure them of the anonymity of the survey as much as possible and share how you are going to group the results –it is only sometimes necessary to understand how different demographic groups perceive the organisation never individually. When communicating the results, however, ensure that any written comments do not identify the employee – monitor and edit.
3. Most of the line managers don’t believe in it so why should their teams?
One of the biggest threats to the success of a survey is that the direct manager does not support it. This can be that they were not even aware of the survey or have been told it is too long and complicated. Walk through the survey with them. Take the time to share with your department leads the importance of the survey and what it will mean to the organisation. Make them engagement champions, re-enforcing the message that by actively encouraging employee participation helps to create a better more effective place to work.
How can Best Employers Eastern Region help your business?
The Best Employers Eastern Region Survey is ideal for the understanding, interpretation, management and development of your organisation's Culture, Values and Employee Engagement. It provides a reliable and accurate benchmark for future decision making and action planning, and is designed to help deliver strategic and long term organisational change.
Get involved: Start your Best Employers Eastern Region journey now. Please contact us today on https://bestemployers.prs.uk.com/ or contact the team at Bestemployers@prs.uk.com.